Prime Minister, प्रधानमंत्री जी के नेतृत्व में महिलाओं किसानों, युवाओं और गरीबों के कल्याण का संकल्प पूरा हो रहा है-श्री परिहार Good News 1

Prime Minister प्रधानमंत्री जी के नेतृत्व में महिलाओं किसानों, युवाओं और गरीबों के कल्याण का संकल्प पूरा हो रहा है-श्री परिहार
कराडिया महाराज एवं हरनावदा में विकसित भारत संकल्प यात्रा सम्पन्न
नीमच। Prime Minister प्रधानमंत्री जी के नेतृत्व में महिलाओं किसानों, युवाओं और गरीबों के कल्याण का संकल्प पूरा हो रहा है-श्री परिहार। प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी जी के नेतृत्व में महिलाओं, किसानों, युवाओं और गरीबों के कल्याण का संकल्प पूरा हो रहा है। इसी उद्देश्य को ध्यान में रखकर विकसित भारत संकल्प यात्रा आयोजित की जा रही है। यह बात विधायक नीमच श्री दिलीप सिह परिहार ने बुधवार को नीमच विधानसभा क्षेत्र के ग्राम हरनावदा एवं कराडिया महाराज में आयोजित विकसित भारत संकल्प यात्रा को मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में संबोधित करते हुए कही।
इस मौके पर , जिला पंचायत अध्यक्ष श्री सज्जनसिह चौहान, कलेक्टर श्री दिनेश जैन, श्री मेहरसिह जाट, मंदसौर जिला पंचायत के पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री राजेन्द्र सिह राणावत, श्री मोहनसिह राणावततथा अन्य जनप्रतिनिधि, एसडीएम डॉ.ममता खेडे, व अन्य अधिकारी उपस्थित थे।
जिला पंचायत अध्यक्ष श्री सज्जनसिह चौहान ने संवाद करते हुए कहा कि केंद्र व राज्य सरकार की योजनाओं के लाभ से वंचित रहे, हितग्राहियों को यात्रा के दौरान लाभांवित किया जा रहा है। विधायक श्री परिहार ने क्वीज प्रतियोगिता में उपस्थितजनों से प्रश्न भी पूंछे और उनका सही उत्तर देने वाले प्रतिभागियों को पुरस्कार भी वितरित किए। कार्यक्रम को कलेक्टर श्री दिनेश जैन ने संबोधित किया। प्रारंभ में अतिथियों ने मॉ सरस्वती के चित्र पर माल्यार्पण कर कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ किया। ग्रामीणों ने अतिथियों का पुष्पहारों से स्वागत किया। छात्राओं ने सरस्वती वंदना एवं सांस्कृति कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किए।
विधायक श्री परिहार ने उपस्थितजनों को विकसित भारत के लिए कार्य करने की शपथ भी दिलाई तथा ग्राम पंचायत को हर घर नल से जल आपूर्ति करने पर प्रशंसा पत्र भी प्रदान किया।
इस मौके विधायक श्री दिलीप सिहपरिहार, श्री सज्जन सिह चौहान एवं कलेक्टर श्री जैन ने विभिन्न योजनाओं के लाभार्थियों को लाभपत्र वितरित किए। इस अवसर पर जनप्रतिनिधि, पार्षदगण, गणमान्य नागरिक, पत्रकारगण, विभिन्न विभागों के अधिकारी कर्मचारी एवं बडी संख्या में विभिन्न वार्डवासी एवं ग्रामीणजन उपस्थित थे।
Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the resolve for the welfare of women, farmers, youth and the poor is being fulfilled Shri Parihar
Karadiya Maharaj and Bharat Sankalp Yatra developed in Harnavada concluded
Neemuch. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the resolve for the welfare of women, farmers, youth and the poor is being fulfilled. Keeping this objective in mind, Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra is being organized. This was said by MLA Neemuch Shri Dilip Singh Parihar while addressing the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra organized in village Harnavada and Karadiya Maharaj of Neemuch assembly constituency as the chief guest on Wednesday.
On this occasion, District Panchayat President Mr. Sajjan Singh Chauhan, Collector Mr. Dinesh Jain, Mr. Mehrsih Jat, former President of Mandsaur District Panchayat Mr. Rajendra Singh Ranawat, Mr. Mohan Singh Ranawat and other public representatives, SDM Dr. Mamta Khede, and other officials were present.
While communicating, District Panchayat President Shri Sajjan Singh Chauhan said that the beneficiaries who were deprived of the benefits of the schemes of the Central and State Government are being benefited during the yatra. MLA Shri Parihar also asked questions from the participants in the quiz competition and distributed prizes to the participants who gave correct answers. Collector Shri Dinesh Jain addressed the program. In the beginning, the guests started the program by garlanding the picture of Goddess Saraswati. The villagers welcomed the guests with flowers. The students presented Saraswati Vandana and cultural programs.
MLA Shri Parihar also administered the oath to the people present to work for a developed India and also gave a certificate of appreciation to the Gram Panchayat for supplying tap water to every house.
On this occasion, MLA Mr. Dilip Sihparihar, Mr. Sajjan Singh Chauhan and Collector Mr. Jain distributed benefit certificates to the beneficiaries of various schemes. On this occasion, public representatives, councilors, distinguished citizens, journalists, officers and employees of various departments and a large number of ward residents and villagers were present. Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, the resolve for the welfare of women, farmers, youth and the poor is being fulfilled – Shri Parihar
Karadiya Maharaj and Bharat Sankalp Yatra developed in Harnavada concluded
Neemuch. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the resolve for the welfare of women, farmers, youth and the poor is being fulfilled. Keeping this objective in mind, Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra is being organized. This was said by MLA Neemuch Shri Dilip Singh Parihar while addressing the Vikas Bharat Sankalp Yatra organized in village Harnavada and Karadiya Maharaj of Neemuch assembly constituency as the chief guest on Wednesday.
On this occasion, District Panchayat President Mr. Sajjan Singh Chauhan, Collector Mr. Dinesh Jain, Mr. Mehrsih Jat, former President of Mandsaur District Panchayat Mr. Rajendra Singh Ranawat, Mr. Mohan Singh Ranawat and other public representatives, SDM Dr. Mamta Khede, and other officials were present.
While communicating, District Panchayat President Shri Sajjan Singh Chauhan said that the beneficiaries who were deprived of the benefits of the schemes of the Central and State Government are being benefited during the yatra. MLA Shri Parihar also asked questions from the participants in the quiz competition and distributed prizes to the participants who gave correct answers. Collector Shri Dinesh Jain addressed the program. In the beginning, the guests started the program by garlanding the picture of Goddess Saraswati. The villagers welcomed the guests with flowers. The students presented Saraswati Vandana and cultural programs.
MLA Shri Parihar also administered the oath to the people present to work for a developed India and also gave a certificate of appreciation to the Gram Panchayat for supplying tap water to every house.
On this occasion, MLA Mr. Dilip Sihparihar, Mr. Sajjan Singh Chauhan and Collector Mr. Jain distributed benefit certificates to the beneficiaries of various schemes. On this occasion, public representatives, councilors, distinguished citizens, journalists, officers and employees of various departments and a large number of ward residents and villagers were present.
यह भी पढ़ें : मोदी की गांरटी यानि विकास की गारंटी – सुधीर गुप्ता
प्रधानमंत्री जी, Prime Minister, प्रधानमंत्री जी, Prime Minister, प्रधानमंत्री जी, Prime Minister